Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tips 5-8

5. Blog from work!

6. Always take the 100-level class, and use that as a guiding metaphor for life.

7. From "Stripes" : Never hit someone unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it.

8. Never take a job where you can't wear jeans, or that requires a daily shower.

From M's Mommy

Tip 3-4

- Watch the Sunday "Project Runway" marathon even though you've already seen all the episodes. Hey, I might have missed an exasperated look, or worse yet, I might have missed Tim Gunn saying "make it work"! This also works well for "Law & Order."

- Restack the firewood. I think it will fit better on THIS side of the fireplace.

From Bravo Queen Bee

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tip 2

Put it off till tomorrow. No if’s.

From Koliver

Tip 1

Sometimes work was so boring that I would turn my back against foot traffic, open some folders on my desk, lean on my arms (hands cradling head) and take a quick nap. I could get a 5 to 10 min nap at work that way. Try it!